17th EICAR Annual Conference
IT Security is facing a paradigm shift
New threats and more subtle methods of attack require
different approaches and solutions
The 17th Annual EICAR Conference to be held from 3 May to 6 May 2008 in Laval, France brings together experts from industry, government, military, law enforcement, academia, research and end-users to examine and discuss new research and development in anti-virus, malware, e-security, e-forensics and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Management
The main theme EICAR 2008 conference will be devoted to Malware and Virtualization. The new malware threats which have recently emerged with virtualization (e.g. SubVirt and BluePill malware) represent a huge and complex challenge to current detection capabilities. With virtualization, malware detection is bound to undergo a major revolution. The aim of EICAR
2008 conference is to gather computer virology experts (researchers, AV industry people...) to think about the best technical or non-technical solution in order to fight against virtualization-based malware.
This call for papers invites the submission of full papers and abstracts on one or more topics that may include but are not restricted to:
* Virtualisation and its Risks
* Malware and Virtualisation
* Malicious code and its side effects
* Viruses and worms
* Vulnerabilities and Software Bugs
* Spam and Phishing
* Spyware
* e-Crime and e-Forensics
* Information Assurance
* Ethical and Moral Aspects of Malware Writing
* Identity Management
* ICT Security and Policy Management
* Intrusion Detection and Prevention
* Human aspects of INFOSEC
* Awareness and Education
* Cryptography and Steganography
* Legal, Privacy and Social Issues of ICT Security
* IT Governance and Compliance
* Cyber Terrorism
The conference committee is seeking submissions of papers for oral presentation at the conference in two major categories:
* Peer reviewed papers - these papers will be selected on
basis of blind peer review by members of the program
committee and other independent reviewers (where necessary).
Case studies, research in progress and full research papers
will be considered for the inclusion in the conference
program. There is no definitive word limit fo
the submissions; however, it is anticipated that submissions
will be between 3500 and 5500 words. The program committee
will not accept research proposals for submission to
the conference.
* Other papers - these papers will not be peer reviewed,
however due to the considerable interest in the conference
in the previous years these papers will also be selected
by the program committee. This category covers corporate
papers, best practices, new technologies, policy issues etc
and the conference committee are eager to obtain submissions
from industry, government and other sectors for this category.
However, marketing papers will not be accepted for
the conference.
The conference committee can accept only limited number of papers in each category and the acceptance ratio in the past few years was about 30-40% of submitted papers only. All accepted papers will be published in electronic form on the Conference CD-ROM and peer reviewed papers only will be published in the printed version of the EICAR Conference Proceedings (book with ISBN). The best papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal in Computer Virology, a research journal published by Springer Verlag.
Submission deadlines:
Peer reviewed papers (in full) due 20 January 2008 Other papers (non reviewed - abstracts) due 20 December 2007
Full CFP is available at